Born in Singapore, Andie Chen is a bilingual actor and producer who demonstrates flexibility and versatility through the myriad of roles he consistently brings to life. With numerous acting nominations under his belt, Andie is multi-talented and hardworking, highly-skilled in screen fighting, Chinese Wushu, Muay Thai, dancing and singing.
He is well-known for several major diverse acting projects across
Southeast Asia including:
The Journey 2: Tumultuous Times (Chinese TV series)
Fighting Spider (English TV series)
December Rain (Stage Musical)
The Fate Keepers (Feature Film)
Also a producer and founder of Vagabond Media, Andie is highly dedicated to creating thought-provoking action-based content.
2007年,从新加坡最大型演艺新秀选拔《 才华横溢出新秀 》获得总冠军,同年,正式出道。
跨足电视、电影、音乐剧,无法满足他的野心,在2019年,成立制作公司《 丐邦媒体 》,制作网络节目《 The Catch Up 》,2020年推出新加坡战争短片《 The Last Song 》,广受业界瞩目与好评,下一步,令人期待。